We're Migrating!

 We may have closed the doors on Telegraph Rd, but, we are still open ONLINE! Shop HERE


 Shop our New Location this September!!

We are moving to a new location to better serve you - and the birds in your backyard! This September, you can find us at 9926 Kennerly Rd!

Follow our relocation progress on FACEBOOK and watch, in real time, as we put together a new store with fabulous new displays & some new products, brought to you by the same great staff you know & trust.

We will have a soft opening in early September, followed by our Grand Opening event featuring World Bird Sanctuary and their EAGLE! Lily's Cafe Food Truck will also be stationed in our parking lot so you can grab a fun treat! We'll have door prizes throughtout the day, so please plan on joining us.

Shop HERE so your birds stay happy until the store re-opens. 

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