Wild Birds Unlimited PB&J No-melt Suet Dough Cylinder

A New Way to Offer Suet to Your Birds

Made of peanut butter, peanuts, rendered beef suet, corn, oats, calcium carbonate, raisins and blueberries, our Peanut Butter ‘n Jelly® No-Melt Suet Cylinder is an easy, long-lasting way to offer a high-energy, high-fat food to clinging and perching birds. Simply place the Peanut Butter ‘n Jelly No-Melt Suet Cylinder in our WBU Seed Cylinder Feeder (1550 or 1551) or Dinner Bell feeder (1128) and watch your birds enjoy. Peanut Butter ‘n Jelly No-Melt Suet Cylinders also contain calcium to promote stronger eggs.

Avoid the mess of melted suet. Offer No-Melt Suet when seasonal temperatures are above 95º F and Suet when temperatures are below 95ºF. No-Melt Suet is rendered and refined to remove impurities that cause spoilage, and it's designed to withstand temperatures up to 130° F.